Thursday, January 8, 2009

Queries && People && Teams... All Importing!

Queries, People and their relationships to managers and projects are all importing!

My decision to go to bed last night was a good one. The bug was as I suspected a silly one. I was calling element.elements['display-name'].get_text and there is no get_text method... It's just text.

In order to get queries working required another schema update. I changed bug_lists.expert_query and bug_lists.description to be of type :binary which is MySql equivalent of a blob. The legacy data for those fields was to big for a column type string.

So here, once again is the updated schema:

People & Relationships
Once that was working, I imported all the ownership files. That creates the person objects for everyone in the system and ties them to projects and their managers.

I actually stumbled on code I wrote back in July when I was in upstate NY and didn'y have an internet connection. It mostly worked but it was all brite force code. I did things like manually reading and parsing CSV files instead of using CSV::Reader.parse and checking the DB for an existing user and creating one manually if they didnt exist instead of using Person.find_or_create_by_username. So I just rewrote it tonight using a lot less code.

What's Next
I'm dangerously close to finishing the data migration. There are only three things left to import:

  1. site projections from legacy\sites\[sitename]\output\projections\
  2. bug list histories legacy\sites\[sitename]\output\history
  3. Ownership changes legacy\sites\[sitename]\output\ownership_change
I plan to tackle them all tomorrow night. Then its on to getting the legacy system talking to the new controller.

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