Monday, February 9, 2009

Active MQ and the mysterious XTools

Tonight was a night of minor frustrations. Working on my thesis was postponed by my daughter who decided bed time should be moved to 9:30pm. She's very cute, but I can't work on my thesis when she's around because she insists on my reading her books. If I try to develop while reading to her I end of with variable names like Bert and Ernie.

Once she went to sleep:

I installed ActiveMQ version 5.2
  1. download
  2. untar
  3. cd [AMQ install director]/bin
  4. chmod 755 activemq
  5. cd ..
  6. bin/activemq
And it just works.... It even has a web admin running at http://localhost:8161/admin/

Then I tried to get a simple perl script to connect via Net::Stomp.

I tried to install Net::Stomp from using sudo -H cpan -i Net::Stomp and it failed because make was missing from my machine.

For the next hour my brain didn't function as I search google for a way to install make on OS X. The search terms "install make on OS X" are not helpful...

Eventually I found and was simultaneously directed to Apples XTools. Duh... I should have looked on apple's site first.

I've now downloaded the svelte 1GB XTools installer, but I'm to tired to actually run it. That's a task for tomorrow.

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