Friday, January 2, 2009

Documentation - a better way

I had hoped to reuse the online help/documentation from the legacy system, but that is looking less and less likely for three reasons.

  1. The admin UI is being completely rewritten
  2. Tables generated for the sites will use JavaScript based sorting
  3. Graphs will be dynamically generated
As small as that is, it means changes to the online help which was originally written in Robohelp. Robohelp is a problem because you can only edit it if you have a RoboHelp license, and even then it's a pain to use.

I don't have a license anymore. So I've decided to just move the documentation into a wiki and update the help links to point to the wiki. That way, editing becomes a simple task for anyone using the system, and it's free.

I can't believe I didn't have access to a wiki when I wrote the legacy system. Times sure have changed.

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