Thursday, January 8, 2009

Queries are almost importing...

Tonight we went out to dinner. On the way home the roads froze and it took u 40 minutes to get our car 20 feet up our street. We live on a steep hill.

Once that was done and everyone was in bed I got queries importing for every project.

This required some schema changes:
  • I added a scope filter table to store the constants data about scope filters
  • In the bug_lists table scope_filter (string) was changed to scope_filter(integer) so it could be a foreign key to the scope_filters table.
  • I added ownership_models.legacy_name (string) which gives me a way to reference the internal name the by which the legacy generators know the ownership models.

Once again rake db:migrate:reset and rake db:fixtures:load are my friends.

The updated schema looks like this:

Alas, queries are not properly importing yet. There's bug thesis_importer.rb in the code that parses display-name out of the legacy XML. It's probably very easy to fix, but it's also 12:22 AM and my eyes aren't focusing very well, so victory will have to wait till tomorrow night.

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