Friday, March 20, 2009

Thesis Document First Draft

The first draft of the thesis document is complete! It came in at a paltry 50 pages.

Fortunately I'll be able to pad the page count with all the code I'm required to put in the appendix. Rendered as a PDF it only takes up 1.4mb of space. It's almost as if I didn't have anything to say.

Since the chances of my getting it just right the first time are next to nill, I'm expecting a pile of comments and recommendations from my thesis adviser. I'll have to act quickly to make any changes he requests before I turn it in on April 1st.

In the mean time, this is what Google Docs thinks of the thesis document.


Jack said...
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Jack said...
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Jack said...
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Jack said...

This post explains first draft of the document. The method for creating draft is very easy. I have created draft myself. You can also try this method to create your own draft. Thanks for teaching us this simple method. Keep it up.
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